Gate offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with your Gate Smart Lock, you can return it at your expense within 30 days of the delivery date for a full refund of the amount you paid, minus and a $10 restocking fee.* Return packages must be shipped within 7 days of requesting a return.
To initiate a return or exchange, please send an email to with a return reason for product improvement purposes and your order number.
Important Note: To qualify for a refund, units must be shipped in a corrugated shipping box and returned in like-new and working condition in their original packaging with all accessories. Refunds are only issued once the returned unit is received and passes inspection by Gate. You must provide a return reason to initiate the refund.
Warranty exchanges
Outside the 30 day return window, you may contact us to exchange your unit if it falls into our warranty. You are responsible for the cost of returning the unit to us. For all authorized exchanges, a replacement smart lock will be sent upon receipt of the original unit. We will pay the cost of shipping any replacement unit to you if you reside in the continental United States. If you live in another area, you are responsible for the cost of return shipping to you.
*We are only able to refund units purchased through our website If you purchased through Amazon, please contact them directly.
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